save your money up and get you some real nice equipment. don't skimp on the amp, get you some real nice amps, even if you have to wait. not saying there's anything wrong with the stuff you're looking at, but if you save up some cash and buy way more amp than you need, good quality stuff, you won't have to upgrade for a long time. i still have some old (prob '97, '98) alpine amps, one of which i've been jamming for like 10 years plus and it's still doing fine. i know i'm showing my age here, starting to give advice and such, but car audio is a terrible investment money-wise, but it is a fun toy. anyhow, if you go buy a $200 amp now, and in a year or so you need more power, or whatever, wanna upgrade, eh, let's say you get $50 bucks for it. do that a few times, and you could've bought you a high quality, overkill amp. now don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with the subs you're looking at, and i'm not pushing alpine or anything. all i'm getting at is if you make smart decisions on the amps and head unit you choose, you can use them for many years. save up your money, get you more amp and headunit than you think you'll need, it'll give you some headroom to move into as you change subs or setups. just my 2 cents. rather see you spend 500, 600 bucks on an amp you will have for 10 years than to see you spend 200 bucks 3 or 4 times and still maybe not be satisfied.