Supporting Member
I understand how the ride height sensors would work to send signals to the compressor to level off the vehicle should it sag in the rear.@Grady_Wilson, did you ever make any progress on this subject??
I have been thinking about this for a couple years now, but after deciding a few months ago to turn my GMT900 into an overweight Luxury Pre-Runner; my Z55 has to go.
I completely understand where these guy are coming from by recommending OE or similar parts. *On the road* the system has been hard to beat for a long time. However, Arnott, and more specifically the cost and warranty of their shocks have been a big part of that. Now, with Arnott deciding to re-nig on their lifetime warranty, and considering the cost of the remaining options, it does take some of the luster away from the idea of sticking with the system!?!?
And I can tell you with the utmost confidence that there are far more capable, better handling shocks available for the cost of official GM replacements.
But since nobody made any attempt to answer your actual question, I'll share what I've been able to learn since yesterday when I started attempting to find the same answers you were seeking:
The Electronic Suspension Control Module sends a specific constant "amount of voltage" to the four Ride Height Sensors. The amount of voltage the sensors return to the ESCM is based on their position. Every mm moved by the sensor changes the signal that leaves the sensor. I just explained it to my buddy an hour ago as: (obviously this isn't exactly how it works, but it helped him get the concept) Imagine the sensor arm having a metal contactor button on the end that moves across a piece of metal that is thicker on one end than the other. When ride height changes enough to swing the button to that certain spot where the thickness of the metal plate creates enough resistance, to then create enough change in the voltage that's leaving the sensor and heading back to the ESCM, the ESCM will then realize the return signal is out of the "acceptable range"...
When the ESCM detects a "significant" change in these two readings that lasts longer than 10 seconds, it turns on the ELC Relay. The ELC Relay then sends a "specific signal" to the Compressor commanding it to Open the Exhaust Valve for 1.5sec to release any built up pressure in the head, and then ether: Sends a different "2nd signal" or as a "second function" of that first signal, activates the Air Comp. And lastly the ESCM will only allow the Air Comp to run for a total of 255 seconds to prevent overheating....
Everything I just typed in "quotes" are the numbers that you would need to activate the compressor on command, IF you were wanting to maintain the Autoride Option AND use the compressor for some aftermarket airbags or your favorite pool inflatable.
But since I am removing my Z55, I am only concerned with the correct ohm resistors to make the ESCM think eveything is OK, and also with the amount of voltage used turn the compressor on so I can inflate my rubber duckys....
And I will gladly let you know what I fond out if you're still interested
I was wondering about how the yaw sensors, steering angle sensor, wheel speed sensors and all that work together to activate the ABS and in turn how the entire Stabilitrak system works together.
Ride height would be the easy part, I wanted to know details about the entire Stabilitrak system.
I know that may be chasing a dead end but I did solve an error with my Stabilitrak by replacing the steering angle sensor.