Its me again. So its still been only working when it wants. Comp kicks on startup each time but within the last month it only physical airs and raises the rear up 10% of the time. Again when it airs up it works and holds it. I readjusted my rear links one day it aired up perfect for a week straight. I wonder if the level sensors have to be just right to work or it throws off system?
Anyways now I hear this every time the air comp kicks and then I shut it off... sound of water is in the system and is bubbling out of the vent by gas filler (drips some water out also) VIDEO
Is there a drier that can go bad for the air comp? Ive had it scanned with a high end snap on scanner and went through the test to air but still only kicks on and doesn't raise. No codes!!!
Im so over this. But anyone have another idea before I swap the comp again (3rd time)? Again shocks look great, bladders look great and lines are not leaking.