... so here is all of it...
January 2014: fuel pump failed, replaced
January 2014: injector issues, replaced all injectors, fuel filter and regulator
March 2014: MSG Center shows SECURITY/BATTERY/LOW FUEL flashing, AIRBAG indicator goes on, FUEL Gage goes to zero: researched online, found post from GM Mechanic saying to isolate offending module just pull fuse. I pull SRS Fuse and all problems cease (of course airbag light is on)
May 2014: MSG Center shows SECURITY/BATTERY/LOW FUEL/SERVICE 4WD flashing, AIRBAG indicator on, FUEL Gage goes to zero, Temp gage appears to stay off, Gear selector indicator is out, ABS light on, and sometimes, at very slow speeds and in dry conditions ABS activates and vehicle does not stop: Pull ABS fuse 60amp, and all problems cease.
A few days later MSG Center shows SECURITY/BATTERY/LOW FUEL/SERVICE 4WD flashing, AIRBAG indicator on, FUEL Gage goes to zero, Temp gage appears to stay off, Gear selector indicator is out, ABS light on: I do more research and in my alldata account find a GM tech bulletin with all the same details saying check for battery cable voltage drop. I do and find POS is OK, NEG has a 2v drop. I order the AC Delco part, install and no change. But my interior lights are VERY bright now
I clean up (very well) the ABS Ground under drivers door: no change
I just discovered my OBD port has power but can't connect to ECU (works on other vehicles, have a backup. it also doesn't work)
Any help would be great.