ok i did it took about an hour no need to remove the seats kinda pain in the ass. lots of screws. this is what i did i removed the 9 screws that hold the black bucket in place 5 at the top three towards the front and two towards the back then four at the bottom. lift the bucket right out of the console then you see a metal bracket that sits over the amp. next remove 4 screws 2 on each side of the console at the bottom you reach them by moving the seats back and forth the rear ones are a pain because of the plastic cover on the side of the seat. this gives the console some play. you'll need this to move the metal bracket around to get to the front screws of the amp.next start removing the screws for the bracket 8 total 6 are very easy to get to 2 of them are under neath the pass side of the console. then remove the back part of the console 6 screws 2 at the top of the console where bucket sits and four inside the cup holder. thats so you can slide the amp out through there. unplug the amp unbolt 2 bolts at the back of the amp. forgot the size sorry then lft up the console a little so you can slide the metal bracket back to gain access to the front bolts of the amp. just for anybody thats curious. its my first write up so forgive me if its a little hard to understand.