While this is not a DIY or video, I will share a simple and fairly covert CB radio set up for under $200. While some may things CB radio is dead, it is not. Even with Maps, Waze, Radar Detectors, I have had a lot of good luck running a CB radio for many reasons over the years. I do a LOT of highway runs and CB's have saved me in a lot of traffic situations that Maps or Waze did not have accurate and updated information. While I may not use the radio on every highway run, I do have it and use it often. Hopefully this may be of interest to some on the forum.
Cobra recently updated one of their compact CB radios which makes for a simple and quick installation. This radio also supports Bluetooth headsets as well if desired. Be careful as you search for the Cobra All Road radio because this name is a carry over and the prior generation radio did not have this 2 part Bluetooth configuration which makes the installation easy and keeps the cabin clean. The microphone/controller can easily be stored in the center console when not being used.
This specific unit is a 2 part system with a Bluetooth handheld All In One microphone/controller and remote chassis module. Whe way these trucks are set up you can easily mount the remote chassis with industrial Velco inside the drivers rear fuse block/jack access area, power it directly from the fuse block and plug the microphone/controller into the USB port in the console. The antenna can be connected to the radio module and easily be routed out the rear hatch and the antenna can be magnetic mounted on the roof right in front of the window spoiler.
For what this system is, the performance is really good and there are a lot of nice features built into this radio.
This is the link for the radio - Cobra All Road Wireless CB Radio
This is the link for the recommended magnetic mount antenna - Tram 703-HC Antenna
Cobra recently updated one of their compact CB radios which makes for a simple and quick installation. This radio also supports Bluetooth headsets as well if desired. Be careful as you search for the Cobra All Road radio because this name is a carry over and the prior generation radio did not have this 2 part Bluetooth configuration which makes the installation easy and keeps the cabin clean. The microphone/controller can easily be stored in the center console when not being used.
This specific unit is a 2 part system with a Bluetooth handheld All In One microphone/controller and remote chassis module. Whe way these trucks are set up you can easily mount the remote chassis with industrial Velco inside the drivers rear fuse block/jack access area, power it directly from the fuse block and plug the microphone/controller into the USB port in the console. The antenna can be connected to the radio module and easily be routed out the rear hatch and the antenna can be magnetic mounted on the roof right in front of the window spoiler.
For what this system is, the performance is really good and there are a lot of nice features built into this radio.
This is the link for the radio - Cobra All Road Wireless CB Radio
This is the link for the recommended magnetic mount antenna - Tram 703-HC Antenna