Ok, so I finally had a chance to sit down and do a little more research with the guidance of the lifters that was given. I looked back and its been just over 3k on the oil change, and that was Mobil Super Full Synthetic.
So, I think the following will be my plan...run the motor medic engine flush as recommended by the sticky in the forum. Then I'll change the oil with Durablend High Mileage, and Rislone additive, and then when I have the opportunity, I will replace the screen and oil pressure sensor. No sense in doing that right now if there's some gunk in the case floating around.
I can't imagine that the motor flush is going to yield THAT much. I ran the 1/3 can of seafoam when I bought the truck, so it's had some detergent in the crank before. Much of my reading seems to be that these things are finiky about their oil change intervals, even though the dash says I've got 50%+ oil life left.
For the moment, I'll just say thanks for turning my onto the lifters. I thought it was the was piston slap that has been discussed in length, but all accounts of that issue seems to be that it clears after ~10 seconds or so. This is occurring once the motor is warmed up.