I’m looking to spend about $7k give or take a little on a SUV. I came across a few on the Facebook market Craigslist here in the Houston area, most of which are between 180k and 210k miles. I know there are a lot of variables as to how reliable the vehicle will be, but am I automatically looking for trouble considering these with close to 200k miles? I had a used 07 Yukon for about 7 years and only had only one major repair costing $800. It probably had 150, when we got rid of it. I do a lot of highway driving well I did before COVID, but this vehicle will only see highway miles. From what I can tell, the Denali will possibly be more reliable since the 6.2l doesn’t have AFM. But again I didn’t have AFM issues on my Yukon. I’m just looking for some thoughts. I’d up my budget if someone would sell me their Tahoe with the 6.2l. I just like the Tahoe front end better.