Supporting Member
It's wild the weird stuff that happens when a battery starts going bad. How old was it?
Here in Florida, we used to replace them every two years regardless of what they were rated for. Then I bought my brand new 2006 Pontiac and that Delco battery lasted until 2011 and it's non Delco replacements again, never lasted more than two years, Interstate, Walmart, Sears, etc. My truck's Delco battery was is dated from August 2016.
Now we have the computer controlling the charging. My needle is often quite a bit lower than 14 volts, does that mean the battery is fully charged and the alternator need not stay engaged? It doesn't seem to read like the old days, I miss the Ammeters! The truck has zero issues with starting or electrical gremlins.
Love sears diehards golds but i know most batteries are made at the same place just diff covers/colors, the gold last me 8+ years up here in the north.... even with the strain of plowing with them.
And to answer your question james, yes the truck has something called rvc(regulated voltage control), it basically, for all intents and purpose, shuts the alt down when not needed... another gm ‘fuel saving’ feature ....