This evening I was taking care of my driver side rear axle seal as it's been leaking since I bought my 2002 Chevy Tahoe LT 2WD 5.3. got the carrier pin out along with a one piece bolt, thank God..... And like I said I started with the driver side. After removing brake caliper and rotor, I pushed inward a tad on the axle and I swear I hard something metal fall out and hit the driveway from under the truck, as in the axle retaining clip, and then I was able to pull the axle straight out. Problem is I go under to investigate in the diff and I cannot find a c-clip anywhere... I stuck my finger up through the empty pin shaft and nothing. Nothing on the bottom of the diff. No driver c clip to be found... Is there even anywhere that a retaining clip could get logged in the diff without being able to be seen/located? The axle obviously has the notch for a clip but would it even have one? Could it be possible that it just was missing in the first place? Like I have questions about this whole thing now lol... I didn't try to pull the axle straight out at first, if I had them I would've known if there's was a retainer clip in there or not, I initially pushed inward. Anyone got any theories to add to this mystery?? If I search again and can't find anything inside and I order another clip and install on the axle that's missing one is there a chance that I year up the diff of the missing clip isn't actually missing just hiding very well inside the diff? Btw I did reinsert the driver side axle after replacing the seal and my score does have some scaring on the contract surface with the wheel bearing... Wheel bearing rollers seemed fine just the axle had some minor scars/pitting.... I drive highway miles/speeds every weekday morning and have never felt anything out of the ordinary "rear axle wise". I know this was a long post and I apologize but I always appreciate any help. I will attach pics in the morning if that will help, it's about to storm right now so I've called off my search for the night and will get at it early tomorrow a.m.