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Driving home from some xmas lights Sunday night I felt/heard some intermittent weirdness from the front driver's wheel area. Fiance could hear it too, and I figured the hub assembly was going bad. For reference my truck passed its yearly inspection in mid-October, and they did replace the front passenger hub assembly, but said the driver's side was fine.
Fast forward to yesterday monring after I dropped my mini-me off at school, and I hop on the highway to cruise 75mph back home. The noise & vibration weren't present on the 24 mile drive up to school, but halfway home, and all at once, I got some pretty aggressive vibrations and grinding. Got home, parked the thing, and ordered a new Timken unit from RockAuto asap, and they said it would be delivered today.
I figured I'd prep the battlefield as much as possible in anticipation for the old hub and it's three bolts being huge PITAs to remove, because roadsalt and FML, but the threads poking through the knuckle looked ok, so I put a breaker bar on them, and with just a whack or two from the palm of my hand they all busted free and spun out with no drama, so I grabbed my 4lb. thumb-detector and whacked the hub out. Praise Zeus, it popped out like the last guy who installed it slathered the knuckle with anti-seize.
I was feeling good, and then saw the UPS update saying there was going to be some delayed shipping on my part. Sweet.
Here's what I saw when I jacked the front end up:
Prepped for when the dang Timken shows up.

Fast forward to yesterday monring after I dropped my mini-me off at school, and I hop on the highway to cruise 75mph back home. The noise & vibration weren't present on the 24 mile drive up to school, but halfway home, and all at once, I got some pretty aggressive vibrations and grinding. Got home, parked the thing, and ordered a new Timken unit from RockAuto asap, and they said it would be delivered today.
I figured I'd prep the battlefield as much as possible in anticipation for the old hub and it's three bolts being huge PITAs to remove, because roadsalt and FML, but the threads poking through the knuckle looked ok, so I put a breaker bar on them, and with just a whack or two from the palm of my hand they all busted free and spun out with no drama, so I grabbed my 4lb. thumb-detector and whacked the hub out. Praise Zeus, it popped out like the last guy who installed it slathered the knuckle with anti-seize.
I was feeling good, and then saw the UPS update saying there was going to be some delayed shipping on my part. Sweet.
Here's what I saw when I jacked the front end up:
Prepped for when the dang Timken shows up.

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