Tom Joad
French V8 lover.
With all thoses screws I can open a garage and fix freely all the roof console of the forum's members ! lolI hate to say it Tom, but from the looks of your pic, even though you were able to fix your console, looks to me that you have a few screws loose because of it!! ha hahaha
So, those were about 1 1/4" long? How many turns of the screw driver did you get to tighten it?
Congrats on the fix, drives me up the walls when I have stuff like this unfinished on my rig so I don't blame you at all for wanting to fix it!
The screws are 30mm long and 3.5mm wide. I think I turned about 1 complete turn.
I hate having some things unfinished. THis Tahoe is driving nuts because of all what's missing here or torn there, etc.
The rear fog light is a PITA to find, many buttons are paintless on corners. And I know nothing about the ancient mechanical/repairs life of the 'Hoe (not to mix up with the Hoff' ) since the last owner did not get any bill/invoice from the previous owner.
Plus I'm a newbie in car repairs. Hopefully I found the best site ever. THank you guys you're really helpful.
Thanks to you ! I'll take picture as soon as I can tomorrow morning.Figured i'd post these axle diff pics on here since this is your thread and you got your original question answered!!
I have to do approx 1000mi next week. Can I drive it safely?