In the event I need to add some refrigerant can anyone give me any tips and tricks?
@randeez maybe? I have read some and watched some videos. I Can handle this even if I need to pull a vacuum on it. I just haven’t ever done this. Figuring it is low and hopeful I don’t have a major leak. I would try to add some dye or get refrigerant with dye.
does the ac work at all? poor cooling? compressor runs? i use hptuners to force the compressor on, tech2 can prob do it also?
this is the gauge set i use, not sure how/why i chose this particular set but it has worked pretty good, nice hoses, nice manifold... pretty cheap
if it doesnt work at all, i would evac it and pull a vacuum on the system for 30min or so. let it sit a couple hours and see if theres still a vacuum on it.
with a vacuum on the system, it will suck the freon into the system without it even running. when i hook up the little diy cans to the gauge set, i flip the can over and purge the line (theres a schrader valve on the freon hose line) before opening the manifold up to let freon into the system - do this every time you have to change cans. (youll close valves to system off, when you remove can youll introduce air via the hose into the system if not). make sure theres something in the system before starting the car
what I ran into with filling yukon is - the placement of the service ports and readings they give. the yukon has a pressure sensor right after the compressor so i watch that value while filling. the gauges are good for trouble shooting high/low readings - theres a million "guides" just search google. they range from like 25-55psi low side to 155-200psi high side. you can prob look up how much is supposed to be in it by weight and try weighing it out. but i just wing it fill it enough to keep the compressor running, turn ac on full blast and recirc, i use a thermometer in the center vent to watch temp, i'll open manifold to let more freon in the low side (with can upright - gas) for like 10sec at a time, watch thermometer give it a few minutes to drop and stabilize, i do this a handful of times...the first couple youll get 5-6* of temp drop each, when it gets to where youre only gaining a degree of drop or so. thats when i stop. check gauges to make sure pressures are in a safe range.