TYF Newbie
So this is the aftermath of a left rear tire blowing out passing a 1 ton dually with a gooseneck trailer on the back. Got to about the cab on the dually at around 75 mph and the tire blows. The guy heard a popping sound and looked in the rear view mirror in time to see a chunk of tire fly over his truck. I believe the tread separated but can't find anyone to take the case. The guy in the dually was unloaded and locked his trailer brakes up so he would not T bone me. The Yukon slid sideways for about 100 feet (without rolling thank god). When it blew I out it in nuetral and rode it out and kept my foot off the brakes. Slammed the front left corner into the rail and then spun 180 and hit the left rear. Rolled across the road into uncoming traffic before it stopped next to the other guard rail. My wife was in the passenger seat and on the first impact the seat broke so I put my arm in front of her so she would not slide out of the seat belt and go through the windshield. After a winch and 10 pound sledge hammer fixed the front we installed the nice trailer tail light. It was a good welcome home present from over seas after serving a year with the gaurd. So anyone in ND, SD, MN or MT got a Yukon or Tahoe body in decent shape?
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