I removed the glove box and managed to wrestle the power cables off as seen in Pic1. I verifed the fan speed resistor condition, like new. so i put it back and checked the voltage to the terminals. At no point of my testing i had any power to the fan speed resistor (i verifed green/brown/blue/yellow). Test was to start engine and start the blower motor via switch using all settings. Low - High.
The relay had power to terminal 87 even when the vehical is switched off. This condition did not change ay any point of my testing. i.e. There is power to terminal 87 on the relay but nowhere else.
Any ideas what is blown? Do you folks think i need a new relay?
For anyone who does not know, pic 3 shows 1 and 2 bolts that needs to be removed to get at plate #3. Under that plate is the fan resistor. I assume you already guessed that the bolt on the far left of the pic has to come out first.