First thing I did was pull the camshaft sensor it was difficult came out in pieces took a long time finally got it out then I get other codes lots of them I did discover a three wires on the bottom of the camshafts sensor lines that were definitely connected melted together I fix I fix them then I'm getting more codes so I ended up like 11 or 12 codes all together still chasing it down found a few more shorts and wiring replace that soldered a new wires in the truck when it starts it goes to a very high RPM and then dies replace the mass air flow controller place the map sensor replace the crankshaft sensor I must have another short somewhere where the computer is fried as I trace out the wiring harnesses and fix the shorts I find I will continue to accept any opinions or suggestions junkyard might be one to take it to now it's going to get parts on it I just got to get to the bottom of it I'm sure it's a wiring issue I checked the fuses they were good one was was bad but it was I replaced it and it's the same no change that was on the ignition side I need to check the relays a little better make sure I'm not missing a leg or anything I got a few it's been a good truck 308,000 was running good until it didn't also the leaks a lot of oil I think I'm going to get to the bottom of that too probably going to go ahead and drop the pan cuz of the shavings from the camshaft sensor I know there is some in there and some came out when I drain the oil I plan on running a bit through there but how many and pull it for that dango o-ring that goes week on that pick up tube. I fix alot of things and i like a good challenge just notin my ride.Lol still feelin blessed these are fixable problems my fav kind. Need a good ignition wiring diagram. I got a basic obd 2 amd a fixed scanner both are good. Tuming us off and air fuel mix put on new coil pac wire and plug on cylynder 6 havent gotpo106 since. What am i missing ignition fuse ok tracing individual lines for shorts any spots where that is common?