I have to thank your awesome group as i have been in search for a new truck when i sold my Xterra a few months back. The TYFCOM really lured me into getting my 2014 certified LS from the dealer and i must say, I LOVE IT! Driving it daily to my workplace brings a smile to my face, eagerness like a little child with a new tonka truck he'd be showing off at the playground. I'm an expat currently based in Dubai, and getting a new truck here is a real pain because of the vast options to choose from. So it was a tough call for me as my initial pick was what Emirati's (locals) here prefer so much, the new Patrol, or the Safari version. But my eyes were really hooked into the Tahoe for its clean lines, classic fierce but classy look. And i must say, the forums really helped me a lot to sway me into getting this beauty.
Thank you once again, and big hooray for TYFCOM.

Thank you once again, and big hooray for TYFCOM.