Without the manual for your truck, who knows what it should be? I do know this, a scan tool will show actual fuel pressure and commanded fuel pressure and has short and long term trims that show you if the pump is keeping up with what the computer wants.
Now my engine is a different generation but the fuel pressure is always 43.5 psi running and might drop to 42 at full throttle for a second or so. I just checked it this morning and LTFTs were 1.38; whatever that means. Haven't read the manual yet.
When you shut the engine off, how much fuel pressure bled off within two minutes?
LTFT at 1.38 is good. Want to see between - 5 & 5. Obviously, 0 is the goal. LTFT are basically moving 0 for the STFT. As they stray, the truck should use STFT to bring them back. This is a good indicator of where lean or rich codes are coming from. If you have a vacuum leak and you get on the gas (as you get farther from vacuum towards stoich) you will see the STFT pull hard against the LTFT. if you have a fuel delivery problem you will see them continue to get worse.
What do your trims look like under load @theprovider? I thought you had a rich code? Am I confusing threads?