Supporting Member
I was able to cut out some time from the honey-do list items late yesterday afternoon, and I checked the two connections to the ECM, as suggested. Once I figured out how to disconnect the connectors, I saw that all of the pins were clean and straight. So, I reconnected the two connectors, and I cleared the ECM trouble code using the Tech 2. I will be driving around a bit today running errands, and upon completion, I will see if the ECM trouble code re-appears. (I expect that it will re-appear.)
I also tried to find the BCM, as that was suggested as the next item to check out the connectors, but I could not find the BCM. Granted, I did not take a lot of time trying to find the BCM, but any recommendations on where the BCM is specifically located on my 07 Yukon XL Denali would be very much appreciated.
The box to left of brake pedal is mbec(mid bussed electrical center) or something..... iirc or maybe I’m wrong... I ferget