He was no nonsense and didn't sugar coat $hit! A real "Just the facts mam" guy.. I learned a lot from him. Met him 20+ years ago and we didn't really click. I could sense he was a little uncomfortable around me, never overly friendly... He was a mid-40's independent long haul driver who worked part time at his buddies 4x4 suspension shop, repaired small engines, repaired HVAC, tools, appliances, did automotive repairs / maintenance, and pretty much anything a 7 out of 10 or better woman asked lol.. I was in my late 20's and had become very proficient at post disaster FEMA housing inspections. So much so that I was the fastest ever promoted to QC manager. I was arrogant, already knew everything on earth, and also had an affection for 7+ women.
It wasn't until I came to my senses, left the dead end gov job, got completely humbled by jumping into the construction business, and learned to listen after asking a question that Dwayne and I realized how much we had in common. I spent more time with him than anyone else besides Amanda from 2013-2020.. He died from liver cancer in April of '20 at 64..
If he knew he had it he didn't tell a soul. He stopped by here on a Fri night and brought me a monster size S&B Air Filter for a 6.6 Duramax, and said he was goin home to sleep he was worn out and felt like he might be getting a fever. I didnt' hear from him all weekend, called him on Monday, again Tuesday, and Wednesday= no answer. So I called one of our buddies that live nearby and sent him over to check. He found him face down in the floor with a very weak pulse. Got him up and to the hospital and 2hrs later a Dr walked out and said he had stage 4 liver cancer. Gave him 2-7 days. In his typical stubborn independent nature he made it 6wks to the day.. He would love the Cold Air Intake I made out of that filter!
sorry long post and off topic, got started rollin and couldn't think of good stopping point. I probably wouldn't be on here if not for Dwayne though.....if I was I sure as heck wouldn't be answering questions and offering repair solutions lol