Save up and get a real retro...... or get zXe bulbs. Imo
ZXE bulbs? Do you have a link? I hate the stock output, and want something brighter for night time so I don't hit a deer.
I figured those projectors were junk, but there has to be something better than spending a grand. I'm surprised the beam is that bad on them.
I looked at that link before posting, but it's almost a year old. I really hate being told that year old information is the I put this thread out there. My bad if I am supposed to take year old info as current and not ask a more current question on this forum...actually, not really sorry. I figured there had to be a better solution out now...hence the question! I also read all the other threads....again, this is a forum that should want content and people posting. If there is year+ old info, don't be offended if someone asks if there is a better solution out....not to mention there isn't a single link to what people were saying was can't really compare and know if that company was out of business 6 months ago.