First off, that blue or white wire is called a return wire. It USUALLY has nothing to do with Kelvin rating. Most manufacturers use plastic, metal or porcelain to cover the wire from accidental bumping, and grounding out wire. So.. wouldn't go off of what color is on the return wire. But then again, that bulb manufacturer may use that as a way of marking Kelvin for bulb. IE. Kelvin Rating= 4300k,5000k,6000k and so on.
Second: Those two wires with the socket plug are there if you decide to wire into another source or directly to headlight socket. Most PnP HID kits use KET AMP connecters for + & - bulb wiring. Your bulb will have two wires going into socket( KET AMP connectors) that then plug into same KET AMP connectors off of ballast. Then you have two other + & - wires into a socket plug. Now, most people will run headlight socket into ballast then main KET AMP connector to HID bulb. Now, some people will not run headlight socket into ballast, but use the provided socket, on HID bulb, to plug into ballast and then either to headlights directly or to other wires to turn headlights on manually. Not very often, but there if you need it.
Now, regarding cutting. I have gone thru many HID bulbs from bad manufacturers, and have always cut those two + & - wire with socket off along with grommet. Now I use debased Phillips or Osram bulbs or DS1/DS2 bulbs. Only problem is some sellers, companies of what have you, will not except return/exchange of HID bulbs with those wires/socket cut off because it's now altered/damaged. Again, some!! I have had that problem, few and far between, but technically it's altered or damaged by removing those wires/socket. I would suggest contacting company you bought kit off of to make sure it's ok first. Because you never know if you will need to return or exchange bulbs.
I have had bad bulbs, wrong colors, bad colors, dull, faded bulbs and crappy bases that broke. There are SO many HID bulb manufacturers out there, and are a dime a dozen, and cheap stuff is made. That's why I suggest getting debased Phillips or Osram bulbs, alittle bit more money, but are the real deal, and you know it's quality stuff by a quality company. Just my suggestions and opinions. Hope it helps