^^^^^^ That's where I wanna be. Thanks for sharing! hahaha!
18%? Did you buy it on your credit card?
HAHA, no sir.......all the cars I've/we've owned over the years were cash bought, varying new and used, except my first car back in 2001, which I financed. Yesteryear's money is not today's money so I could not buy the truck flat out. I never was a big fan of credit and credit lines, and when I had them I didn't handle them to well. My credit score when we bought our truck was really low, so bad credit got me there but again I was able to get the perfect truck for our family, at an affordable payment, and that's all that matters to me. The older I've become, and in this economy I've realized it was little late and now's the time to change that.
This year, is there year we've actually decided to settle up on our debts, and clean up credit.