Last Thursday I went to the DMV to renew my license. I walk in and get in the line that clearly says “License” which is right next to the line that says “Vehicles”. This lady who apparently is the greeter, because that’s the desk she was standing at, comes over to me and asks me to step out of line so she can make sure I’m in the correct line with the proper documentation. I’m there for license renewal and I want to get the “real ID”, which is the government background ID to allow me to board airplanes without having a passport. For those that have been living under a rock, anyone flying after October 1,2020 needs a “real ID” or passport to fly domestically. So I have my SS card, birth certificate, old ID and 2 pieces of mail in the form of a bill or utility with my current address on them. So this greeter tells me, ok go ahead and stand in the line under “License”, exactly where I was!! But now 2 more people have come in and I lost my spot. She didn’t pull them out of line and ask them for their documents. So I wait 40 minutes, get up to the lady that looks and acts like she just hates people and her job. I get my picture taken, do the eye exam and present my documentation and she’s lookin thru it to make sure I have everything even though robo-***** already checked my stuff. She starts typing on the keyboard of her computer and then stops and says, “I can’t renew your license at this time.”
“Why the hell not?”
“Let’s see....” she says with her resting ***** face while staring at the computer screen. “Seems you have an outstanding ticket that needs to be dealt with before I can issue you a new license.”
“What? ********! Lady, I’ve had like 3 tickets in the past 10 years and I know I’ve either paid them or went to court and gotten supervision.”
“Says here it’s from 2001, and it’s an unpaid fine.”
“Are you serious? I might be going out on a limb here but I’m pretty sure I’ve renewed my license in the last 19 years.”
“Yeah, this just got entered into the system in 2015. I can give you the ticket number and you’ll have to contact the Will county courthouse to take care of it before I can continue with your renewal.”
So I walk out of the DMV knowing I’ll never get my hour and twenty minutes back, get into the truck and call the court house. I think this *****’s sister answers the phone. She can’t tell me anything over the phone, and this is after she asks for my ticket number. Sounds like a trap. Yeah, I don’t have time to go get locked up for some stupid old traffic ticket. I’m heading to Indianapolis without a license!
So I head out about 12:45pm, they are an hour ahead of me. I tell the guy selling the trailer I’m on my way and I’m about 3 hrs 14 minutes away according to GPS, but I look at that as just the time to beat, after all, I drive like I’m sponsored!
3:56 I pull into the bank where we agreed to meet at 4pm. He’s not there. Get a text, running behind, be there soon. Ok no problem. 4:28- I’m on my way, bout 8 minutes. Ok, take your time, I’m enjoying just sitting and relaxing. 4:32- I forgot the title, gotta turn around and go get it. I’ll hurry. 4:52- on my way. Eight minutes. 4:58 stuck in traffic, I’m only 3/4 mile away. 5:01- finally shows up. Trailer looks good, I low ball him, he don’t bite but I can tell he feels bad for making me wait and counters with a price a few hundred lower than what he was asking because “you drove all this way”. I throw out a number 2 bills lower than his. He meets me in the middle and I take it. While disconnecting from his truck he tells me that the trailer had an electric jack on it but his Ford didn’t power it so he put the hand crank one on. I said, is the electric jack in the trailer cabinets? No, it’s at home. Do you want it. Hell yeah! He leaves ti go get it while I hook up my truck and set the brake controller. He’s back in 20 minutes and I hit the road. I got home at 8:45pm. I hauled ass pulling this 26’ trailer. Packed my bag for Wisconsin, loaded sled and parts into trailer and called it a day.
Next day, Friday, get truck loaded check fluids and tires and wait to hear from guy with sled in Sturgeon Bay Wisconsin. The sled is at the dealer where the seller is having them go through it and they found the rear air shock needed to be rebuilt and a bushing replaced. The shock didn’t come back yet from being rebuilt. Talk to my brother and he says just go get it, we’ll have them mail us the shock and he will find something on his way up. Throw the dog and boys into truck and we are on the road by 11:45am. I’m haulin ass thru Milwaukee putting this truck and trailer in places that it shouldn’t fit trying to get around these slow poke people. I have to make it to the top of the little finger that sticks off the side of Wisconsin into Lake Michigan before this dealer closes. For some reason I can’t break into 15MPG. I wonder why?
So we make it to dealer at 4:25. I check out the sled, looks good minus the shock. The air shock is $2000 dealer price. Holy crap!! The standard shock and spring is $550 so I told my brother to try and find one of them. Leave dealer and it starts snowing and blowing so hard we are at 45MPH and only have 2 tracks for a lane.
I call my brother to see where he’s at and he said they left about an hour ago from his work near Chicago and they are doing 40MPH. Still hasn’t located a shock. I’ll still beat him.
I made it to the house at 8:40pm and had to snowblow the driveway and I unloaded my sled and left my dads in there.
To be continued...... just getting to the good part.
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Sounding good so far, other than the license crap. Fyi, people are saying that the West Chicago and Plano locations are worth the drive with polite employees and really short lines.