There, all fixed for you. Did you realize this emmission test crap is not all of Illinois? (most likely just chicago and maybe some its tree hugging suburbs). I was born and raised in central IL around Decatur area and there hasnt been any emmission testing since i was born....1971.
How you generally fix this is leave the ****** state/city you are in and move to FREEDOM. I am now in Indiana and FREEDOM is great!
Actually, it's not just Chicago. It's also down in East St Louis. It's a STATE law, that's imposed in certain areas to meet FEDERAL regulations. Don't get me wrong, Chicago politics make me barf. But let's at least use facts.
The Federal Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. § 7511a) requires states to provide a plan to control air quality in any area that doesn't meet NAAQS standards for ozone IF their state as a whole doesn't meet FEDERAL air quality requirements. They can do that any number of ways. Vehicle emissions testing happens to be a fairly popular one nationwide (32 states). Some states, like Florida, meet the federal air requirements and don't HAVE to do anything, anywhere, if they don't want to. Others, like Massachusetts just blanket test statewide (ANY state, yes even Illinois

, could do this if they wanted to).
The point is, it's ultimately a FEDERAL regulation that's being satisfied by state laws one way or another.
If enough people lived in Decatur, Illinois would have to come up with something to show Uncle Sam. Whether that be emmisions testing, requiring you to use an electric tractor, or limiting your herd. On the other hand, if Chicago didn't exist, IL would likely meet federal standards, and unicorns would fart rainbows over all the land.
For free, once every other year, I can manage to keep my CEL off. It's the "safety" inspection states that really have the racket going.