You'd be dabbling in an area that most of us don't see the need of delving into...and I think that you would be DANGEROUSLY close to putting the front suspension geometry over the edge. You would more than likely start tearing up your CV joints. You have to remember that just because you are using aftermarket keys, there are still limits to how much lift you an achieve without having problems. The keys don't change the limits of the suspension, they just increase or decrease the "starting point" of how high the truck sits, so to speak. More simply, the just change the range of adjustment - lift keys start the truck up higher than stock so you can lift it more, lowering keys start the truck off lower so you can lower it more. With aftermarket ford LIFT keys on your truck, I personally think that even with the bolts backed all the way off, your front suspension geometry would already be in the red zone before any cranking was done. However, if you wanna be a guinea pig for us, go right ahead and try it lol.
Ford keys are a cheap way of doing a lift for these things. Conversely, you can spend a little more money on a set of "brand X" lift keys on ebay...they are all essentially the same thing, just marketed differently.
Ford keys are a cheap way of doing a lift for these things. Conversely, you can spend a little more money on a set of "brand X" lift keys on ebay...they are all essentially the same thing, just marketed differently.