hey RT... mind if i chime in with my opinion here... the standard short ram intake setup that these trucks use are ALL the EXACT same design for the open element intakes. SOOOO, the only difference lies in the filter.
Let me save you a little money here, go and buy the cheapest Ebay short ram intake, they run between $60 and $70 all day long pn ebay, THEN, if you want that AEM dry-whatchama-call-it (AEM's dry filter media that probably does out perform the $60 units) you can pick that up for about $50 or $60 online.
So you now have an AEM brute force for $130 or so... saved you a bunch of money. Now you owe me a beer
just in case you wonder where AEM gets off charging so much, they are a superior company, when it came to true cold air intakes (common on the ricers) they had tested and proved tubes that ran paths to the bottom of the car with the least amount of resistance, thus giving the vehicle the most amount of COLD air possible and the knock off companies could never match these designs. As for the Short Ram intakes like we use on these trucks, its one bend.... get the cheap one.