Been getting back into it while I still have a few days off of work.
One thing I wanted to do was to flush out the rear transfer case output to driveshaft area.
I had gotten a little dirt into the dust seal portion of the output shaft seal.
While I don't believe it made it into the bearing area, I did want to make sure it was as clean as possible.
I also needed to fill the transfer case with ATF.
I already primed the engine so I could get the power steering/Alt bracket reinstalled and out of my way...
While watching a youtube video, from "raymans repairs"
He showed a trick where you can punch a hole in a gear oil bottle, install a hose into the container, and then use that hole to pressurize the container.
I also have one of those gear driven pumps that I have been thinking about trying.
but then I'm like fk that.
I have air.
Then the idea hit me.

My old ac flush tool that I converted to an engine primer tool!
I used engine degreaser to clean out the motor oil, then ran that through the hose until clean.
Followed up with carb cleaner in the main bottle, and then everything got some brake clean.
and bam, I have a transfer tool to pump fluids into things like diffs, transfer cases, etc.
First used it to flush out the output shaft area, thinking if anything goes in, it will hopefully drain out.
but mostly hoping it would flush out the back.
Made a bit of a mess flushing it out, but I'm happy with the results.
And using air is so much easier than using a pump.
Then moved onto the new output shaft seal.
As recommended, this is the one.
Buy GM Genuine Parts 24233898 Automatic Transmission Case Extension Output Shaft Seal: Output Shafts - ✓ FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases
GM PN: 24233898
Has a little coating of grease pre-installed into the lip seal area just like the output shaft seal on the end of the transmission.
Per the GM manual, this is important.
Then the issue of installing that pig onto the transfer case.
This would have been so much easier while everything was out of the truck.
But I didn't want to damage the seal while messing around with that non removable crossmember that the transfer case needs to clearance.
When installing, I needed some way to only hit the rim of the seal.
but that seal is pretty big.
Originally, I thought I could just use a holesaw, cut a hole in a block of wood, and use that as a driver.
But I didn't have a hole saw that was quite right.
So that would probably require me to find my jig saw.
and that jigsaw, I'm pretty sure is on the shelf above where the tahoe is sitting.
So next idea, find a bearing or something that might work!
I went through my left over transmission parts hoping i had something right, a piston, bushing, whatever.
Answer = nope...
Looking on my tool cart, I start flipping through some of the left over parts I have on there...
Rod bearings = nope but closer!
Main bearings?
Old seal for reference.
(Stacked and staggered the bearings to get a proper height)
Close, but its too close to the inside edge.
Thrust bearing?