This problem didn't exist before MY21 on the L87. It's not an oiling issue. The 5.3 and 6.6 would suffer the same fate if it was because they're the same design. Even with the oil control solenoid commanding "low" pressure it's still anywhere from 20-48psi or thereabout. Get on the gas and into high RPM the solenoid will command higher pressure up to 80psi or so.I think this is accurate.
The failed bearings I've seen so far look like contamination or a light to moderate oil starvation. Both can look similar on failed journal bearings for basically the same reason--deterioration of oil film integrity.
The oil flow diagrams you've linked to are helpful as well. It does show that the #1 and #2 mains could be more susceptible for damage from loss of pressure.
If a 2 stage pump is glitchy switching between stages it could cause a momentary drop in system pressure (how much of a drop, who knows?). it may also cause a miss timed switch event on lifters. I wonder what the correlation is between failed rod and main bearings and damage on lifters and cam?
5.3 and 6.2 have different oil pump part numbers so I can believe they would be different pumps.
I don't have any inside information so just speculation but I'm curious if the failed 6.2 engines came from Tonawanda or Spring Hill. Spring Hill had a bad batch of 5.3s get out that were put on stop sale. The out of spec lifter bore issue also came from Spring Hill.