I don't & have NEVER believed in Chevy/Ford rivalry. A true American simply hates imports! That's me! I despise imports. I am a die hard Ford/Chevy 'till I die kind'a guy. I grew up in a house full of Chevy's. 79,81,85,90 Caprice Classics, 2 Custom Chevy vans, 3 Chevy Silverado's & all those cars were die hard! That being said, I've owned strictly V8 Ford all my life. Beat the f**k out of them really hard as well & they DON'T DIE! Own my current F-150. Bought it with 39k in 2002. She now has 129k. Pulled boats, waverunners, trailers & done so many long trips on her. Best truck I've ever owned. As for my Mark VIII's? Best damn car you can ever beat. Owned 7 of them from 256k down to my current one owner Marks with 64k & 77k. Amazing cars. My wife married me & shows up with a Jeep Patriot. I got rid of that crap 3 weeks later! lol. My sister & I don't talk much after she sold her T-Bird for a Honda.
I am sorry, but not quite sure why you would not talk to your own sister because of the choice of car she bought? REALLY?
Let's just realize one thing, I have driven GM Trucks or SUV's pretty much as long as I am able to drive, but I also know that import cars seem to be nicer than most American mid size cars.
If you are "A true American" and you simply hate imports, that means to me that for one, you do not know that most of the foreign car makers do employ TRUE AMERICANS in their factories throughout the good old USA. Secondly, you must have never driven a BMW in order to figure out that the interior of a mid 80's BMW is nicer and way more ergonomic as a 2013 Ford.
And in regards to your Mark VIII's , ......... I am glad and happy for you that you like it, ........................ some of us think it is maybe not the cleanest, sleek looking car in the world. But yet again, these are of course opinions only.
My wife is as true American as it can get, but since the first time she drove a BMW, she will not drive any other car. That goes for performance as well as comfort and maintenance.
I rest my case as I do not want this thread to get hi-jacked based on anyone's opinion. We all have different tastes and likes, and we therefore should not disown our own sister.
Keep in mind, if we all had the same opinions or we all liked the same thing, ............... there would only be vanilla ice cream, ......