i am no expert at auto's but i have overhauled two A4ld's with good results. If you are certain that the fluid is at the correct level than i would try using the shift lever to start in first and lightly accellerate to 3k rpm than manually shift to second but back off the throttle as soon as it shifts and basically drop it into 2nd gear than use the same technique to go from 2nd to 3rd and drop it in the same way. The point is to have maximum circuit pressure at the shift point but no fwd torque on the 3rd clutch thus eliminating as much slippage as possible, and "jarring" the 3rd gear clutch and all asociated components/bands to lock 3rd up. Your staring down the barrell of a $4k rebuild, if your cautious ill bet you can get this "hickup" to fix itself. After repeated attempts if this dosent work, The 4L60E is a simple pan removal, drop it and inspect for sediment/debris. At 66k miles there will absolutely be silt adhered to the magnet but nothing chunky or gritty. it should feel like oiley dust between your fingers. unless the prior owner was running 6 bottles of trans medic in the drained fluid Ill bet your trans will resusitate itself. Hey you didnt mess with the harness that attaches to the trans in any way?
Nope didn’t touch the harness. I’ll give your suggestion a try. I’ll report back tomorrow AM