Missing feed back

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Dec 31, 2014
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The security deposit total depends on the vehicle type as we utilize two different cables. One is $250, the other is $400.

Once you use the cable to collect data and that data is validated, we then request payment for the tune service and any core charges for the ecm hardware itself. The scan cable tune service is $330 for vehicles that have an applicable engine and transmission tune, $275 if only the engine can be tuned via that method.

Core charges vary by vehicle type as well and range from $50 for an obs 98-00 model to $190 for an 07-09 4spd equipped vehicle. The scan cable security deposit and core charges are both able to be refunded upon return of the equipment and factory computer(s).
I guess you made a mistake decoding my vin? That would explain why I was directed to the wrong page to place the order. That would also explain the additional security deposit that you ask for. This confusion could have been prevented by the correct decoding of the vin but I never look for perfection when dealing with anyone.


GM fan for life
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Jan 3, 2011
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I guess you made a mistake decoding my vin? That would explain why I was directed to the wrong page to place the order. That would also explain the additional security deposit that you ask for. This confusion could have been prevented by the correct decoding of the vin but I never look for perfection when dealing with anyone.

Wow your hard to talk sense into :whymewhyme:


Full Access Member
Oct 7, 2013
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Gilbert AZ
i understand how it works why doesnt he

okay 1st problem i dont understand why he did the chargeback
or dispute the vendor (black bear ) never ceased communication with him
they sent the equipment for the deposit they charged to his card
also i dont really see why he did that unless he had ulterior motives
obscound with black bears equipment
After reading through the emails back and forth, and seeing some of your posts on here (with many false accusations on your end), I am surprised that the math is still not making sense, as it has been explained ad nauseam.

You had only paid the $400 scan cable deposit, at which point is currently in a charge back situation. So in essence, you have a piece of BBP equipment (the scan cable), and BBP has no money. You have openly stated that you have the equipment, all the while, telling the credit card company that you have not receive anything from BBP for your $400.

Here is an effort to lay the process out to you in a different manner.

You purchased an ECM only scan cable tune, which in total (after all deposits are returned) is $275.


$400 deposit for the scan cable (refunded when you return the cable at the end of the process)

-you pay deposit on scan cable and scan cable is shipped to you

-you use the scan cable to collect datalog

-you email BBP the datalog for review to make sure that all looks good for the tune to be built

$275 for the tune (ECM only tune)
$140 for the ECM core (refunded when you send your OEM ECM back in, avoided if you send your OEM to be tuned)
TOTAL $415 (or $275 if you send your own ECM in to be tuned) to be paid for STEP 4

-you pay BBP for the tune (and ECM core if applicable)
-BBP builds the tune and loads it to the ECM
-BBP ships ECM to you

-you install computer
-you perform security relearn
-you use the scan cable to perform crank relearn
-you collect another datalog with scan cable
-you email datalog to BBP
-once all looks good, you ship scan cable (and stock ECM) back to BBP for deposit refund

If you return both the cable and the ECM, TOTAL refund is $540 total ($400 for the cable and $140 for the ECM).

You were not told you were being refunded more than you paid (reminder: you only paid the $400 deposit for the scan cable). You were told that you would receive a total of $540 back, once the entire process (all 5 steps) were complete, and you sent the cable and the OEM ECM back in.

You have not paid for a tune, you currently have only paid the deposit on the cable, finishing through STEP 3.

B.L.U.F: you have only paid a $400 deposit on the cable, until you initiated the credit card dispute, the guys were willing to refund your $400 once the cable was returned.

---------- Post added at 05:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 PM ----------

First Email Thread, December 29 - January 5th -- BEFORE any money was exchanged, it was re-iterated that the ECM could only be tuned, that the AutoCal was needed for transmission. Instructions were detailed out to him on two occasions, January 5th and January 2nd.

On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 1:16 PM, Black Bear Performance <[email protected]> wrote:
> Not a problem. Please see the link below to access the instructions:
> http://www.blackbearperformance.com/scancable.asp
> On Sat, Jan 3, 2015 at 7:30 AM, Don Miller <> wrote:
>> So I can avoid burning brain cells would you please reply with a link to the page that contains the instructions for the Scan Cable?
>> Don Miller
>> On Friday, January 2, 2015 3:50 PM, Black Bear Performance <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Hello Don,
>> Thank you for the deposit. The instructions are found on the same page where you submitted a deposit. These will tell you how to do each step of doing a data log. If you get stuck, we are here to help trouble shoot.
>> The cable will be dropped off at the post office today.
>> Thanks,
>> Jarrad
>> On Thu, Jan 1, 2015 at 5:56 PM, Don Miller <> wrote:
>> Jarrad, I just completed the purchase. Will phone support be available to assist in the process? I feel like I might be getting a little over my head but with a little help I'm sure I can do this.
>> Don Miller
>> On Thursday, January 1, 2015 4:49 PM, Black Bear Performance <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Hello Don,
>> I apologize, I gave you the wrong price for the Scan Cable. Since we are only able to tune the ECM and not the TCM with that option, the price is $275, not $330. If you would like to proceed, please use the following link to submit a deposit for the cable:
>> http://www.blackbearperformance.com/scancable.asp?id=v2
>> After you perform the data logging and email us the files, we will send out a link to the tune order form. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
>> Thanks,
>> Jarrad
>> On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 5:54 PM, Don Miller <> wrote:
>> Hello Jarrad
>> I want to order the Scan Cable Tune.....where do I start? The brand of CAI is a K&N Blackhawk which includes a dry filter instead of the usual oiled filter.
>> Please reply with ordering instructions.
>> Don Miller
>> On Tuesday, December 30, 2014 7:58 PM, Black Bear Performance <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Hello Don,
>> Thank you for contacting us about a tune. A cold air intake will be beneficial and will add additional horsepower on top of the gains seen from the tune. Which brand are you considering? I would not recommend getting an aftermarket MAF. The stock one is more beneficial. Also, I would not recommend a throttle body spacer. They do not add any benefit and are basically a waste money.
>> With the addition of a cold air intake, I would highly recommend our Scan Cable tune or AutoCal option. That allows us to ensure it is properly dialed in within the tune. Also, with our AutoCal option, we are able to tune both the engine and the transmission. Here are the details of both options:
>> Scan Cable Tune - With the security deposit, we send out a data logger, to be used with a Windows based Laptop to collect data. Then, using that data and an order form that you complete, we complete and ship the set of computers out to you to be installed.
>> Tune service: $330
>> Scan cable security deposit: $400
>> AutoCal - All tuning is completed by email with this option. The AutoCal is used to collect data from the truck, much like the scan cable tune, without needing a laptop, and all tuning is completed based on that data. The end result is emailed to you to be installed using the OBD2 port under the dash. Details and ordering can be found at http://www.blackbearperformance.com/autocal.asp
>> Hardware and Tune: $599
>> I'll be glad to answer any other questions that you may have.
>> Jarrad
>> BlackBearPerformance.com
>> Like us on Facebook!
>> On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 1:21 PM, Don Miller <> wrote:
>> Black Bear Performance Contact Form Submission
>> ----------------------------------------------
>> SUBMITTED: 12/29/2014 4:21:03 PM
>> FROM: Don Miller
>> VEHICLE: 2012 Chevy Tahoe
>> It's always nice to locate a business with such a good reputation for customer service as you. I posted a question on a Chevy performance message board but the answers were inconclusive. I'm sold on a Blackbear tune and will be sending my ecm this week. My question is regarding additional mods such as a Cold air intake, an aftermarket MAF, and a TB spacer. Would these mods be effective with your tuning service? Would an increase in either HP or gas mileage be realized by including these mods along with your tune? As soon as I get a reply I will start the process of sending my ECM. Thank you.
>> SUBMISSION DETAILS: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:33.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/33.0
>> http://www.blackbearperformance.com/contact.asp

---------- Post added at 05:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:32 PM ----------

Second Email Thread, January 5th - January 7th -- Difficulty installing software, we suggested that he use a different browser. Don claims in this thread that he was responsible for that, no thanks to BBP.

On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 4:57 PM, Black Bear Performance <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hello Don,
> Okay that sounds good. Please let us know if you continue to have issues.
> Thanks,
> Jarrad
> On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 4:53 PM, Don Miller <> wrote:
>> I use Firefox but I've not tried a different browser. I'll fire up the
>> laptop tonight and try to access v7 using different browsers. If that
>> works then I;ll uninstall v8 and download v7. Sorry to be such a pain in
>> the arse but I'm just a little afraid that I'm getting over my head.
>> I installed the CAI today and am looking forward to seeing what a
>> Blackbear tune will do.
>> Don Miller
>> On Wednesday, January 7, 2015 5:39 PM, Black Bear Performance
>> <[email protected]> wrote:
>> I'm sorry to hear you are still having issues. That is very odd that you
>> are able to see it on your desktop but not your laptop. Windows 7 should not
>> make a difference. The software is compatible Windows 95 all the way up to
>> Windows 8. We have Windows 7 and Windows 8 on our various work laptops and
>> are able to download the v7.5 software. Which browser are you using? Have
>> you tried using Google Chrome? If you are using Google Chrome, have you
>> tried Internet Explorer?
>> On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 4:30 PM, Don Miller <> wrote:
>> The location included with the printed instructions direct you to download
>> v7 software at www.efilive.com. This does not match the location included
>> in this email from you. I don't know if this has something to do with me
>> not being able to see v7 when I use my laptop or not. Using my desktop the
>> gray button and v7 download is visible but for some mysterious reason there
>> is no gray button when using my laptop. Now I have v8 loaded and a
>> nightmare.
>> Don Miller
>> --------------------------------------------
>> On Tue, 1/6/15, Black Bear Performance <[email protected]>
>> wrote:
>> Subject: Re: General & Tune Sales Questions - Don Miller -
>> To: "Don Miller" <>
>> Date: Tuesday, January 6, 2015, 5:23 PM
>> Hello Don,
>> You will need to download V7.5. Please use the
>> link below to download the software:
>> www.efilive.com/latest/cat/download-efilive
>> The 7.5 software is downloaded using the gray
>> button.
>> Thanks,Jarrad
>> On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at
>> 11:25 AM, Don Miller <>
>> wrote:
>> Black
>> Bear Performance Contact Form Submission
>> ----------------------------------------------
>> SUBMITTED: 1/5/2015 2:25:21 PM
>> FROM: Don Miller
>> PHONE: ***-***-xxxx
>> I ordered a Cable Scan Tune. The instructions I received
>> was to download v7.5 from efilive. I don't see a v7.5
>> but i do see a v 8. I feel sure that this is the correct
>> software updated since the instructions were sent. I just
>> want to make sure I'm downloading the correct softwear.
>> SUBMISSION DETAILS: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0;
>> Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; GTB7.5; SLCC2; .NET CLR
>> 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media
>> Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; AskTbGLSV5/
>> http://www.blackbearperformance.com/contact.asp

---------- Post added at 05:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:33 PM ----------

Third email chain, January 12th - January 15th -- Initial log file was sent, but instructions were not followed properly as too many parameters were selected.

On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 10:55 AM, Black Bear Performance <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi Don,
> The E38.pid file is opened using the EFILive V7.5 scan tool's File / Open /
> Open PID selection file menu option. It cannot be opened with any other
> software.
> The AutoCal is $599 total which includes both the tune service and the
> hardware. Tuning would be on both the engine and transmission and you would
> be able to receive tune updates (as needed) by email as well as be able to
> return to stock when needed.
> Justin
> On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 6:00 PM, Don Miller <> wrote:
>> Hi Justin
>> I've tried everything but I cannot open that attachment. I found a screen
>> shot of the parameters in the instructions so I'll make another log using
>> only the 21 items that have been selected in the shot. I'm interested in
>> the Autocal depending on cost. Please send pricing and details.
>> Don Miller
>> On Wednesday, January 14, 2015 7:07 PM, Black Bear Performance
>> <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Hi Don,
>> Everything preliminarily looks good, however there are too many parameters
>> selected for me to be certain. Can you collect another log file with only
>> those parameters in the instructions? I have attached a selection file to
>> use to help with that purpose. To use this selection file, connect the
>> software to the truck and then go to the file / open / open PID selection
>> file option.
>> I realize that we have discussed an ECM only tuning option in the previous
>> conversations, but if you are interested in a full tune (engine and
>> transmission), we do have that option available with our AutoCal. All
>> tuning would be completed by email in that situation.
>> Justin
>> On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 4:52 PM, Don Miller <> wrote:
>> Please let me know if I need to send another log.
>> Don Miller

---------- Post added at 05:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:34 PM ----------

Fourth Email Chain, Monday January 19th at 7am -- In response to a log file sent in to us in Fifth email chain on Thursday January 15th at 7:15am. Two business days later, not a week.

On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 7:10 AM, Don Miller <> wrote:
> I emailed a log and Justin replied requesting I send another log. I emailed
> the second log a week ago but have not heard anything. Was the second log
> acceptable?
> Don Miller


Full Access Member
May 17, 2009
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Nor will I' read all the stuff above. But, I got an email from Justin on Friday night around 10PM, thats not normal business behavior. I'm new to the GMC stuff but been dealing with Forums and car mods for 13 years on my 95 T-Bird. That said, only there I encountered this type of behave, from vendors that are true enthusiasts and don't care about time so much, rather than helping out fellow members of the same interest. Course it's a business, but it's also the middle of the night.
I hope for the OP to get this worked out and gets to enjoy his tune from a good source, as many others do. Given that BB is willing to still deal with Him. Time to Man-Up and don't be a grumpy SOB for years to come.
Sad to see this useless discussion in first place. :chair:

note: Im very exited and looking forward to my Tune . :driver:

Looking forward to helping you out with that! Let us know if you have any questions on AutoCal usage, etc.


Feb 21, 2011
Reaction score
Manheim, Pa
Wow....this is crazy. ...good luck to the op. Blackbear, you still have me as a customer!


Resident Ninja
Supporting Vendor
May 3, 2009
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San Diego, CA

I see you have resorted to posting your issues on other forums (not to mention digging up very old threads): http://www.silveradoss.com/forums/topic/86514-who-has-used-black-bear/#entry971530

As a long time forum member, I can tell you, that spamming forums is not an acceptable practice.

Again, what are you hoping to get out of that? Your credit card company currently holds your funds in limbo, we have no way of refunding you anything, as you have submitted a chargeback.


Senor ******
Mar 4, 2012
Reaction score
WOW.....Don't really know what to say besides someone doesn't understand what a deposit is for lol

God forbid someone makes a mistake, but they corrected it.

Good luck Jenna!
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