on a 1996 hvac control the led is independent on weather the compressor is on. If the temp and vent direction operates properly then your light may just be burned out. The hvac control and cruise have separate fuses in the fuse block in the cabin but all branch of the same feed wire from the ignition switch. That and another feed wire on the same switch contact are fused by one a **** fuse under the hood. In short if your 4*4, windows, radio or wipers also do not work then the **** fuse or its feed wire to the ignition is culprit. If 4*4 is functional along with windows, radio and wiper work then your a/c compressor has a low charge that most likely is leaking thru the valve cores. Especially if your other hvac controls work fine. The cruise maybe malfunctioning if the the steering column multi-switch is beginning to break(assuming you are are doing more than 25mph). Turn on your hvac to max cooling and depress the a/c button and watch the front of the compressor for one minute to see if it cycles. you will see the front plate turning when engaged. Time for a break. You get all that?