I had similar issue with 03 Tahoe. I wrapped a white paper towel around both T connections going in to firewall and tied them on. There was a small leak from both that evaporated and never showed from looking on either side or from the grill, but the coolant showed up on the paper towel. If it is leaking in the summer it will get hot enuff after getting it up to temp and driving a bit further to verify if this is the location of your leak. I have found this method of locating them better than the smell test or looking for residue around the leak. I fought the leaks on the firewall Ts for months, there was nothing visible then got the idea of the paper towel wrap. wah lah!
This sight had a list of leak location on my 03 but I don't think I printed it. I believe someone likely has noted other locales for coolant loss on your model year. Until you find it Carry coolant with you at all times, if it gets worse before you find it, you can be out of coolant quickly if the plastic further deteriorates. Cheers! Murph