I went out yesterday and took another look at these lights and how to get them installed. Reached up and removed the driver's side bulb first, installed the LED bulb in the harness. The damn thing clicked right in. Re-installed bulb into housing.
The passenger side was a little more difficult. It was hard to get my hand up there to squeeze the taps to remove the factory bulb. That took some time but I managed to get it out. Old bulb came out and new LED went in. And once again the wiring harness didn't want to stay connected. I'm not sure what I did but after about the fourth or fifth try it clicked on.
I spent about 45min to an hr yesterday working on this. Why is it that sometimes the simplest of jobs can turn out to be so difficult?? I guess the automotive gods were working against me this last weekend.
Anyway the lights are in and look pretty good.