I programmed a fob from my 99 Tahoe to my OBS 00 ..
1. Locate the DataLink Port. It is located under dash drivers side. Be sure you know which pins are 8 and 4. (Notice port is wider on top row)
2. Make sure there are metal contact pins in terminals 8 and 4. Connect 8 to 4 with a suitable jumper wire (paperclip) (leave the jumper wire connected throughout the programming procedure). Make sure you know which terminals are 8 and 4. The vehicle will respond by locking and unlocking the doors to signify entering of programming mode.
3. Press and hold both the LOCK and UNLOCK buttons together on the first transmitter to be programmed. After about 15 seconds,the vehicle will respond by locking and unlocking the doors. Release the buttons on the transmitter.
4. Within one minute, repeat the previous stepon the remaining transmitters to be programmed.
5. Remove jumper wire applied to the OBDII Port.
Some food for thought.. the relay for my A/C compressor was going/was bad causing the compressor to have a mind of its own.
And for touch up paint I would recommend automotivetouchup.com
Appreciate that, but I already know how to program the fob. I wrote the write up in the tech section on it

(see sig).
What Im asking is if it has the equipment to accept a ky fob for keyless entry.
---------- Post added at 11:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:24 AM ----------
I've been running a 96 4dr LS Tahoe for last 10 years and have over 300K on it now. Let me see if I can help with your questions:
1. Didn't come with a key fob. Do they not come with keyless on 96's? If not, can one be removed from another donor truck?
You can pick up any FOB and program it to your Hoe. Instructions can be googled or pick up a FOB at the parts store and they will do it for you. You do not have security coded key in a 96.
See above. I want to know if it came with it, or if it didn't, can I pull off some component from a donor vehicle for said keyless entry.
2. A/C is charged and most all has been replaced by previous owner. Compressor still doesn't kick, though he did say it worked fine, just stopped. How can I test high and low pressure switches? What else?
If you are not familiar with AC component testing best leave it to a shop that has all the equipment to test pressures. It may be over charged and high side sw is interrupting circuit---on purpose
I am familiar with most. I even have all the equipment. This is why I ask, so I wont be taking it to a shop.
3. Vibration at 70. Brakes seem really good, no vibs while braking. Tires, balance or could still be rotors? How could I test?
If it is rotors it will be most pronounced while braking. If VIB is only while driving high speed most likely tire balance. Rotate front to rear and see if it changes.
I will try rotating. If it doesn change?
4. Steering seems loose. I think some could be due to the speed sensor, but it seems really loose no matter the speed. Someone point me to the link that shows how to tightening up the steering box? Suppose I should be inspecting the idler and pitman arms...
I'd be checking all the front end parts really good before I went hauling A$$ 70mph down the road on a used truck. Not sure how many miles you are tracking but I have done all the components twice in life of this truck. Adjusting the steering box play out can messs you up if you try to get it too tight.
There's a link that shows how to properly tighten the steering, thats what Im looking for. She's got quite a bit of miles, 170k I think. I do need to get under the truck and start checking. Usually it would pull or have abnormal tire wear if something is way out. I didnt see this so didnt I didnt assume it was in too bad of shape.
5. Any tips on taking care of roof rust? Clear coat on hood? See pic
Sorry, got the same problem and I am going to take it to a body shop when I get home from my deployment to have a full make over done on the paint.
Im going to try what Gzes recommended. I like doing these things myself 
6. Power steering pump explodes fluid. Is this a clogged line or just replace the whole pump? Steering is easy when it still has some fluid in it. I'm sure I answered my own question, but I've never seen it do this so it couldn't hurt to just ask.
Sounds like a bad check valve or some one put a filter inline and it is clogged. A new pump will fix it-cheap fix but you'll need a steering pump pulley puller.
This check valve is it the pump itself or do I need to replace lines? So you know, it does work, just slowly starts spitting it out. Why do I need a pully puller? Im prob going to pick up a whole unit from the JYard (they are dirt cheap).
7. Power mirrors, each side only works in random directions, if at all. What causes this?
Dirty control switch, take it apart and clean contacts or just buy a new switch assy.
Oh I hope its that easy! Will check this. So worried it's the mirror motors, whereever they are.
8. Power seats, some directions work, some not. Some work, but slow, and some work great. One I find strange is, the passenger moves forward, but not back. Isnt this the same motor?
Motor contacts all nasty from dirt and dust. You can clean them up but you'll have to pull the motors out. Also check the switches for good contacts. Losts of stuff gets shoved under the seats and could have partially unhooked the connectors or broke a contact.
So take out seat and inspect first, got it lol. Anything recommended to clean with?
Good luck on your project and post some pics when you can.
Will do and much appreciate the assistance!