I did just that in my 2011. I installed a bigger 9.1" head unit. The larger screen highlighted the poor resolution of the OEM camera, as well, the colors were off. I removed the OEM camera, cut off the plug and attached it to my new aftermarket camera. I believe I only used wires 1,2,4,5,6 from the earlier post. The OEM camera turns on with a signal on wire 3 whereas the after market camera is always on with voltage on wire 6. These are small wires so it takes some care.
Also, I was lucky and did not have to disassemble my tailgate. The OEM camera is held in by melting 4 little plastic pins in the applique. I inserted a small then screwdriver and popped them out. There was enough slack in the harness I was able to pull out the connector where I could disconnect the camera. I was able to use the original mount replacing the OEM camera inside it with this one. Then I siliconed in the mount and camera to the applique.
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