TYF Newbie
Ok, been using this forun for EVERYTHING for quite a while...Decided to finally join and I have a quesiton and need some input/advice.. Im replacing my stock headlight assembly on my black 03 Z71... now, ebay had a TON of different options but im torn as to which I should buy. Im looking for a headlight/parkinglight combo with a black inside...heres my problem.. Smoke or clear lenses.. and should I go with some projector style housings or the standard build type. Im going to be putting HIDs in but im EXTREMELY torn to as to which style to choose and how it might look on my 'hoe.. any input? the projector/halo style is cool, but they are a bit small for my taste since the assembly is rather narrow.. whatya guys think? Simple black housing with chrome reflectors where the lamps go? or go ahead and choose a prejector/halo style? pros/cons for either? any experiences with either? OH and pics, if youve done this esp on a black NBS would be appreciated so I can get an idea of how it will look if i choose one or the either.. im into clean looks and good lighting, since I drive at night a bit/ and in the summer I tend to do a lot of back road driving round the lake n stuff so I need a good spread and light distribution for good visibility while night driving. Sorry if I was repetitive but this is a big choice for me.. PLUS I want matching parking lights so have a nice uniform look.. with those should i chose the built in LED style of just clear and put in my own 3157 style LED? I try and stay away from amber lighting as much as possible since Ive ran all clear lights in the parking housings since back when I had my old 96 silverado with no problems with the law... help a buddy out and gimme your input.. too many styles I like to choose from haha.. aaand if you help me make a decision Ill post a pic of the finished project..
too many choices these days and too many of em look cool.
Thanks in advance folks.. more posts to come for advice on other custom installs.
you guys rock and thats why I chose to ask..
later folks!
too many choices these days and too many of em look cool.
Thanks in advance folks.. more posts to come for advice on other custom installs.
you guys rock and thats why I chose to ask..
later folks!