So to go into a little deeper, I rebuilt the trans around 3 months ago, drove it and it was doing this issue then too. So that’s when I did the bypass and cooler, when it didn’t change I got worried I had installed a seal incorrectly or perhaps had knicked something when doing the install. So I bought another gasket/seal kit and tore it back open. Of course all the frictions and steels were in fine shape. I inspected everything and found nothing broken or installed incorrectly. Not knowing what the issue was, I just resealed it back up and here we are now. My question is, if something were bypassing causing heat is there anything in the valve body that could cause it? I made sure all the check balls were where they were supposed to be and torqued all the bolts to specs so I was confident in it, but now knowing all the seals are fine and nothings broken, its got me wondering. When I closed it back up this last time I didn’t touch the valvebody because I knew everything was correct. Have you ever seen that or heard of a valve body causing an issue like this? I have 2 spare core transmissions with good valvebodies in them, would it be worth it to rebuild one of those and stab it in?