To get back on topic because there is actually some useful info scattered in this thread from all sides of the discussion.
I am not conflating the two erroneously.
Think of it this way, you can have a Swiss army knife with three tools or you can have one with ten tools, which one prepares you better for more eventualities? Do you have to have lockers and a very capable 4x4 as a build starting point? No, but that doesn't make it a good idea.
Yes a person can slap a tent, some tools, and supplies on anything, hit a few dirt roads, and camp out by the creek. In this age where people are free to identify as anything they please, one can call those overland vehicles if it makes them happy.And yes there have been epic overlanding journeys achieved by pretty basic vehicles. That's not the point though. Part of ovelanding is not knowing what road conditions are around the next corner, or even if there is a river around the corner instead of a road. It stands to reason that the more tools one has in their toolbox the better their chances of getting through it with their vehicle and themselves unscathed.
No one is saying that a GMT900 suv can't be turned into an overland vehicle, all I'm saying is that it's not a good starting platform relative to other available ones out there as one is limiting their options from the get go, or has to pay a lot of money to put in those options when off the shelf solutions are readily available.
It's all fun and games typing about it on a forum, but not having the right equipment, especially when equipment was available that would have made a difference in a bad spot, can cost one their vehicle or even their life. That's probably why I'm a little more aggressive on this topic than others.
Anyway, mercifully for all I think I've exhausted all I have to say on the subject.
I certainly am not experienced in either overland or off road vehicles to any extent over a touristy "trail" here or there. I cannot argue merits of one truck over another in this context, but I am genuinely curious about the subject. Would you indulge me and type just a touch more here? Lol.
You've mentioned a couple of times "better" available starting platforms. Seems to me, everybody jumps to that meaning a jeep. What would you list as the top few choices and why?