Not sure why you have to have a gooseneck to own a 3/4 ton tho.
Was thinking same. Most goose haulers go 1T+ and hell a set of 10k bags and a B&M drop hitch and you are good to tow. A lot more trailers are ball mount these days. Now granted your 3-5 car haulers are going to be goose or 5th. But most big I closed car haulers are ball mount for the most part simply because of versatility.
Buddy that sells Big Tex trailers said that in the past 10 years the trend of goose and 5th. Haulers has shifted to more ball pullers. said every 3/4 & 1T construction truck has a ball always accessible. Not always able to get to a goose or a huge 5th plate. Said that the farm and contractors prefer the big ball trailers because they can toss it in any of their trucks and pull a bobcat or whatever.