Hello Fless, thank you again for your suggestions. I tried pulling all 4 oxygen sensors and the engine still runs bad with near continuous misfires on bank 2, especially cylinder 6. I'm just running regular 87 octane fuel with no ethanol. Fuel pump / filter assembly is brand new and verified constant 62psi fuel pressure. I did clear all codes and pulled the battery for a while and it's still doing the same thing.The first clue is that it runs good until the PCM has fuel control -- but we need short term fuel trims. At hot idle, what is the MAF reporting in g/sec (please don't bother posting the value in lb/min; change your scanner settings)?
Graph the upstream O2 sensors to see how they compare and if they're moving appropriately. Age? Mfr? (that's "manufacturer," not mother-f'er...)
What ethanol % fuel is in the tank? What does the scanner say the alcohol % is? (compare)
When was the fuel filter on the rail last changed, if there is one.
While it's warmed up run a CASE relearn if nothing else to rule it out.
Could do an injector balance test.
Any other suggestions are appreciated!
Thank you Carl