So I am not sure if this helps. I just wanted to get some discussion going about the possibility of this being the issue.
- 2007-2013 Chevrolet Silverado-DRL Disable recommended by pulling the DRL and the DRL2 fuses under the hood in the relay box on the driver side. (found this on troubleshooting page)
My thought here is that for what ever reason something is trying to pull to much current at one time. In turn not powering up the driver's side ballast. Only issue with this theory is that so many others run HIDs without any issues at all. Only one way to find out I guess. I am just tired of taking the bumper off. This would be so much easier to troubleshoot if we didn't have to remove the bumper every time we wanted to try something different.
Also was there any luck to trying capacitors? TRS sells harnesses with them and the grounds already wired in.
I will be calling them as soon as they are in the office today to see if they would like to help us. Hope they don't treat me like some idiot that has never installed and HID kit before...