Police issues!

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Apr 30, 2009
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cleveland, OH
thats stupid as hell man. mudflaps are you kidding>? so any car/truck without 4? mudflaps is illegal? well **** that shit, no mudflaps are going on any one of my cars. i havent gotten pulled over either for my "no muffler" exhaust on the hoe and ive been driving it like this for 2 yrs now :) knock onn wood ovcourse, but if i get a ticket for that, well im gunna be raising some hell around the city. ha


May 19, 2009
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Chicago, IL
mudflap requirement is because you're lifted and have oversized tires which will shoot rocks and debris at anyone driving behind you in a car. I dont know how all of you don't know about this, it's a very common issue.


Full Access Member
Apr 30, 2009
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Greenville, NC
That is your on fault. I mean if you would have just taken the ticket and kept your mouth shut you would not have another ticket. my .02


Full Access Member
May 15, 2009
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BrOnX, NY (10457)
i dont know why everyone is saying he should of watched his mouth...cops are just people, they just all think there the shit cause they hide behind there uniform...no offense to any cops on here but 8 out 10 cops are just wanna be tough guys..they were prob beat up in school so much and now there takin it back on everyone else


2 Door Owners Club
Oct 21, 2009
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Tallahassee, FL.
i dont know why everyone is saying he should of watched his mouth...cops are just people, they just all think there the shit cause they hide behind there uniform...no offense to any cops on here but 8 out 10 cops are just wanna be tough guys..they were prob beat up in school so much and now there takin it back on everyone else

I take it that you don't know many cops. They just people like everyone else. So have their bad days, and their good days, and keep in mind that unless your the first call out of the shoot, previous calls can effect our attitude. Most of my friends are cops, and most of them only have a chip on their shoulder if you give them attitude. Most of my cop friends are funny as hell. Sure we have a few retards just like every other profession, but who doesn't. Chances are, if you don't like them, there is a good chance his other "cop" co-workers don't either, lol.

In June of 2007, my first call of the day was to respond to an elementary school to interview a 6 year old female who had been ***** by her step-father. Immediately after that investigation, I got a call for a nasty Domestic Violence between two meth heads. The male half decided to toss their two small puppies off the second story balcony in order to piss off the female half, tied her up, and beat on her for 7 hours with various weapons. Immediately after a lengthy investigation which took over 9 hours, I made a traffic stop on a women traveling 45 MPH in a posted 25 MPH zone. Her excuse was and I quote, "Oh . . . well I'm from L.A." :emotions122:

I wasn't in the mood. Sorry but I'm human. Her parting comment was, "Don't you have any real criminals to catch."
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Full Access Member
May 15, 2009
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BrOnX, NY (10457)
i understand what your saying...but most people are afraid of cops when there the ones that are supposed to be helping us(which they do) but they also take stuff too far a lot of times....and yes i agree that some cops prob have a funny side to them when there off-duty but then they can be dicks when there on duty...and even if there were having a bad day that gives them the right to take it out us?? if thats the case then they should not be working with people....anyways this is just what i think...so im trying to have a whole debate or anything...just my thoughts..plus im use to the NYPD, thats prob why i think like this...lol


Mar 2, 2010
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Northwest Montana
You ****** up by being an ******* to the officer. You were breaking the law by not having mud flaps and being to loud. Not his fault your vehicle is not in compliance with your state laws. He is just doing his job. I don't blame him one bit for giving you more tickets for you bitching about getting a a simple mud flap ticket.

I dont believe police officers of any kind should be wasting anyones time with stupid crap like this, they should be working on real problems, creating a safer community for all.
My last vehicle had a fully locked rear end and i received 120$ ticket for reckless endangerment for flipping a u-turn on cement slab, so hell ya the tire was squealing. anyway i got the ticket dropped but it still cost me a 45$ ticket processing fee and full day of work.


Full Access Member
Mar 2, 2010
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Bay Area, CA
Yes cops are people too, and they are just doing their jobs. But you can't generalize everyone in a single line of work. I know for a fact that in some areas, you are more likely to meet an officer with a more aggressive attitude. I've watched officers break the law. I've been pulled over for speeding and had a gun in my face, while his finger was on the trigger screaming "LET ME SEE YOUR ******* LICENSE, REGISTRATION, AND PROOF OF INSURANCE!!!"..."HOW'D YOU GET THE LAST NAME WILSON, WHY AREN'T YOU SPEAKING SPANISH!" (in reference to my skin and hair color, but... i'm not hispanic) all this for speeding? I know an officer can't draw his weapon without first stating that he's a member of law enforcement, and he certainly can not, i mean CAN NOT have his gun pointed in my face with his finger on the trigger. You're finger can not be on the trigger unless you are firing the weapon. Anyways, there are cops who abuse their power. There are also really good cops, who are good guys that I've met too. It can go either way, but I always try to have a positive attitude when I get pulled over. I try not to be a smart-ass in those situations, but that doesn't necessarily mean that everything will go smoothly. It's 50/50, at least around my neighborhood.

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