Yes I did replace the hydroboost maybe 6 months ago due to a leak from the weephole. Brakes feel normal however when driving
sounds like the accumulator spool valve is malfuncting. Does the booster have a limited life time warranty?
Accumulator leak down test:
1. Start the engine and charge the accumulator by turning the steering wheel stop to stop.
2. Turn engine off and let vehicle sit for one hour.
3. After one hour there should be at least two power asisted appication of brake pedal with engine off.
4. If the accumulator will not hold a charge for one hour, but functions normally after charging, the accumulator valves are faulty.
5. If the accumulator has lost its gas charge, the accumulator can will rotate and be loose.
The over flow conditions may indicate the accumulator spool valve is releasing the stored energy and pushing the fluid back into the resivour with one brake pedal application.