Yeah, upon further investigation, it looks like it was insurance scam. Now of course since I rear ended him straight on, there's no way to prove that I was at fault. My insurance company also called me today and told me the list of injuries he's suing for...
I also took a closer look at the truck, and its looking like a possibility that my core support may be damaged, but I'm not completely sure. I'm going to take it in to get is appraised, but before that I'm going to rent a lift and measure my frame to see if there is any damage. I'd like to keep this thing, and not have it totaled by some technicality of insurance.
I am okay though, no airbags went off. We were traveling at 40 mph, but both vehicles were still moving at the time of impact making the hit a little less violent. Also, the way my front end dove when I hit the brakes made me realize I need some shocks