So Monday evening turned out to be an adventure that I didn't want to go on. Lol. In August of 2015 my starter gave out. Replaced it no big deal, well Monday afternoon I stopped by the self car wash to rinse my rig off. Went to start up and no go. Turned over real slow and en just clicks. Ugh....been down that road. Lights are on, stereo starts up, so battery has juice, starter is kaput. Damn, it's only been a year and four months. Ugh. Well luckily my starter came with a lifetime warranty from Napa auto parts, apparently because they don't last long and give out pretty quickly. So in the dark, and 30 degrees in the parking lot of the self car wash, I rip my starter out, walk the 2 minute walk down the street to where the parts store is, fortunately it was close by, and they swapped out my starter with a new one that thus had in stock. Walk back, wrangle the new starter in, boom Denali fires right up. No check engine light or funky codes. But not exactly how I wanted to spend Monday evening. And in another year that starter will probably give out.

Probably after Christmas I'll pick up a better brand starter so that it doesn't give out in a year, but gota wait till I get into full swing of ski season and through the busy period through Christmas and New Years when the dough is flowing in. Lol.