Alrighty so the lower for t end of the engine block has had an oil leak for a bit. Pisssy about oil leaking after all the money I spent over the previous years getting all the top end of the engine sealed up plus the rear main seal and the oil, the pickup tube and ring inside the pan and what not. I’ve known for a bit that my oil cooler lines have probably been a culprit. I’ve attempted replacing them three times now and every time I think I have the right tools on hand to get it done and I STILL GET STUCK!!! Ugh…..
I’ve finally decided nope it’s going to the mechanic next door to my gym. He’s a good guy and I’ll use him when I run into something that I either don’t have the time or the skills to tackle on and he always does a good job and takes cares of it the right way for me. So Friday I’m gonna drop off the Nali to him to get the cooler lined swapped out. At any rate this has lead to a couple other projects to think about.