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I don’t personally have any experience with replica wheels. I know alot of guys here run them on their trucks with no issues. I also know that like @Rocket Man has said there are several brands that are known, trusted good quality.
That being said I always see good deals on new, almost new or somewhat used factory takes offs for good prices. I’ve changed up wheels three times in the last few years now since stepping up to 20s, all factory takes offs and all good deals had either on Craigslist, Fb marketplace, and one set that a mechanic shop I used to detail for had that he was selling for a customer. There’s always tons of wheels listed for good prices. My current set of wheels are factory 21 yukon 20s. Paid $900 for what was at the time a brand new factory wheel that had an $1800 on GMC’s build feature online. Sorry goes that the gal ordered a brand new Denali and opted for 22s, waited somewhere like 6 or 7 months for her truck build to get accepted, she finally got it in, but her wheels were back ordered 6-8 weeks more and she was fed up so she had the sewer put standard 20s on it they had in stock, she took the truck and then went to a wheel shop she knew and had replica 22s put on it. The 20s had less than 100 miles on them according to her when I picked them up Memorial Day weekend of 2021. They were immaculate when I picked them up so i was inclined to believe what she said about them having less than 100 miles on them. I’m not knocking replica wheels, but there’s always tons of factory wheels available to buy out there.
That being said I always see good deals on new, almost new or somewhat used factory takes offs for good prices. I’ve changed up wheels three times in the last few years now since stepping up to 20s, all factory takes offs and all good deals had either on Craigslist, Fb marketplace, and one set that a mechanic shop I used to detail for had that he was selling for a customer. There’s always tons of wheels listed for good prices. My current set of wheels are factory 21 yukon 20s. Paid $900 for what was at the time a brand new factory wheel that had an $1800 on GMC’s build feature online. Sorry goes that the gal ordered a brand new Denali and opted for 22s, waited somewhere like 6 or 7 months for her truck build to get accepted, she finally got it in, but her wheels were back ordered 6-8 weeks more and she was fed up so she had the sewer put standard 20s on it they had in stock, she took the truck and then went to a wheel shop she knew and had replica 22s put on it. The 20s had less than 100 miles on them according to her when I picked them up Memorial Day weekend of 2021. They were immaculate when I picked them up so i was inclined to believe what she said about them having less than 100 miles on them. I’m not knocking replica wheels, but there’s always tons of factory wheels available to buy out there.