I’m trying to figure out what’s going on with converter lockup. I haven’t dealt with this before and I’m unschooled on the subject so I’ve reached out to
@randeez to answer some questions. From what I’ve read lockup is controlled by the pcm on the 4l60 which would mean I need to talk to Blackbear who did the tune. But Randy was talking about the converter itself being built to not fully lock up. Which would mean talking to FTI. But I bought the converter through Performabuilt. And it’s due to arrive at FTI on Thursday so they can cut it open, inspect and clean and reweld it. I went on FTI’s website to see exactly what they sold me and it’s a 10.5” Drag Race converter, triple disc billet, rated for 1400 HP. It seems a bit much. It was $1500 also. Anyway, I’m calling a Performabuilt tomorrow and discussing this with them. I’m out of my comfort zone on this.